SuperMario: 12 Stile Fornero

Grande sfoggio di capacità di governare del Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali? no poca dialettica e tanta jattanza. Non si perde occasione per offendere e mortificare milioni di Italiani, si preferisce sfoggiare una certa strafottenza da borghesi acquisiti (malamente).
Nessun rispetto delle difficoltà economiche di milioni di italiani costretti a fare i conti con la crisi e la mancanza di denaro.
E' la maledizione che questo paese si porta dietro perchè incapace di coerenza nei propri meriti. Sua Ministessa, nelle vicenda riportata da "Il Giornale", non è da meno.

Great show of ability to govern the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies? no dialectic and much jattanza. Do not lose the occasion to insult and mortify million Italians, they prefer a certain arrogance to flaunt borghesotti remade (badly).

No respect of economic hardship for millions of Italians forced to deal with the crisis and the lack of money.

Having this kind of rulers is the curse that this country carries with it because incapable of consistency in their own merits. His Ministessa, the story reported by newspaper "Il Giornale" is no exception.

From newspaper "Il Giornale":
ROMA e Deaglio fell in the Square. You just have to say that the remedy was worse than the disease. Deaglio Silvia, the daughter of Minister of Welfare, Elsa Fornero, attacked for his 'job' at the University of Turin, where they taught both parents, is defended. Indeed, attempts to defend itself. Seeking shelter from the deluge of criticisms that are leveled against - not so much to her as the mother - showing qualifications and publications. "I do not have to justify myself to anyone, talk to me the curriculum which is public," exclaims the geneticist, prompted by a relentless barrage of questions from a journalist of the Corriere. Unfortunately for her, however, the invitation was immediately accepted by the entire network of people, rushing to read, curiously, the ponderous list of its business, easily traceable on the Internet. So between a chirping on Twitter and a Facebook page you will discover that in the bright and brilliant career of Professor Silvia Deaglio the key figure is not that strong-willed mother of the Minister nor that of the bright father, Mario Deaglio, journalist and economist. The deus ex machina is called Albert Square, a professor of human genetics, in Turin. Among the many merits attributed to the young by the board which appointed him an associate professor there is also his "excellent ability to attract funds for research funding at both national and international." A reference to the role of Head of research unit at the HuGeF Deaglio, Human genetic Fundation of Turin.Now that users are not affected only by the fact that Fornero was at that time vice president of the Society of Sanpaolo, the first shareholder Intesa Sanpaolo, in financing the foundation HuGeF. The detail that all stress is another. Or the fact that the president is dell'Hugef Professor Alberto Piazza and Always Professor Alberto Piazza is also the Chairman of the Board which appoints the Deaglio associate professor, just appreciating the ability to attract funds to finance, through assegnatili ' institution of which he is vice president and mother Elsa the same square, which basically congratulates himself and Fornero. It is to be dizzy because 'then the same Professor Piazza is a professor in the University of Turin, where they taught the parents of Silvia Deaglio and herself.The Welfare Minister has full confidence in the ability of the daughter out of the morass, "My daughter is able to defend itself and has all the means," the minister cut short. It seems more annoyed that Silvia Deaglio worried: "I do not think in this situation may find themselves to please someone - say - are not interested in countering people that have condemned it on the basis of a blog." The daughter of the minister remembers having "93 publications in 16 years", reiterating not want no 'No justification' to talk to reporters because 'speak for her "scientific work".Maybe it will be demagoguery, however, public reaction is also given. So if the ministers are a little 'gone to look for. If the government encourages young people to abandon the fixed place (Fornero) or accuse them of wanting the job next to Mom and Dad (Minister of the Interior, Anna Maria Cancellieri) is not surprising that young people themselves should be to deal with in your pocket Ministers and found, unfortunately, that their children not only have a fixed place but also in the same 'holding' parents.
So no wonder you go to make even the fleas in the career of Michael Martone, Deputy Minister for Welfare, after his unhappy exit on the "losers" who graduate after 28 years. Martone was a professor at 29 years thanks to a competition organized by the University of Siena. Accused of having "stolen" the place to the other candidate is he himself who explains on his blog that "all the other candidates withdrew from the contest in question 'why' winners in other locations. Too bad that the contest has been open for over a year and a half points out Panorama, just long enough to allow all the other teachers to find a place and leave one for free Martone. Honni soit qui mal y pense.


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