Il presidente Squinzi boccia la ministra Fornero
Solo i regimi totalitari riformano dall'alto.
Il presidente Confindustria Squinzi nel discorso di investitura boccia come insufficiente la riforma della ministra Fornero: "Riforma del lavoro non convince".
Il governo scontenta tutti e la ministra Fornero, reduce da una pessima figura "all'italiana" fatta dal suo subalterno Martone con gli "sfigati" e dopo da lei stessa, per i lavoratori detti "esodati", ora rincara la dose sul pubblico impiego. Siccome è noto che chi ha fatto un danno facilmente ne procura altri, la Fornero mostra poco acume attaccando la categoria del pubblico impiego, in un momento di tracollo di consenso per il governo di cui fa parte e dopo che Squinzi l'ha criticata. La Fornero non si rende conto che dopo le recenti elezioni la legittimità del governo di cui fa parte non si regge più su tre gambe PDL, PD, UDC-Casini ma appena su una e poco più.
Il governo di Mario Monti rischia di arenarsi sul "licenziamento nel pubblico impiego" uno scoglio che nessun precedente governo ha mai scalato, ma assecondato o aggirato. Se i partiti gestiscono i posti del pubblico impiego, attaccando la categoria la Fornero va contro il governo di Mario Monti.
Elsa (La) Fornero
Se è vero che:
Molte volte il laccio teso per altri piglia quel medesimo che lo tende,
presto vedremo la fine
In: Atti del Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienza Lettere ed Arti, Venezia 1869 - 1870
INGLESE (by Google translate)
Only totalitarian regimes imposed from the top reforming.
The President of the Italian industrial, Squinzi in inaugural speech rejects reform Minister Fornero : "Reform of the work is not convincing."
The government and the minister Fornero everyone unhappy, just back from a bad figure "Italian" made by his subordinate Martone with the University "losers" and after that herself, for the workers said "esodati" now things worse for the public service. Since it is known that those who have made it easy to give a proxy others, shows little insight Fornero attacking the category of public service, in a moment of collapse of consensus for the government to which it belongs, after criticism of Squinzi. The Fornero not realize after the recent elections, the legitimacy of the government to which it belongs is no longer stand on three legs PDL, PD, Casini-UDC, but just on one and little more than one.
The government of Mario Monti is likely to run aground on the "firing in the public service" a rock that no previous government has ever climbed, but indulged or circumvented. If the parties manage places of public employment, attacking the category Fornero goes against the government of Mario Monti.
The President of the Italian industrial, Squinzi in inaugural speech rejects reform Minister Fornero : "Reform of the work is not convincing."
The government and the minister Fornero everyone unhappy, just back from a bad figure "Italian" made by his subordinate Martone with the University "losers" and after that herself, for the workers said "esodati" now things worse for the public service. Since it is known that those who have made it easy to give a proxy others, shows little insight Fornero attacking the category of public service, in a moment of collapse of consensus for the government to which it belongs, after criticism of Squinzi. The Fornero not realize after the recent elections, the legitimacy of the government to which it belongs is no longer stand on three legs PDL, PD, Casini-UDC, but just on one and little more than one.
The government of Mario Monti is likely to run aground on the "firing in the public service" a rock that no previous government has ever climbed, but indulged or circumvented. If the parties manage places of public employment, attacking the category Fornero goes against the government of Mario Monti.
If it is true that:
Many times the noose tight for others it takes that same tendency,
we will soon see the end
Many times the noose tight for others it takes that same tendency,
we will soon see the end
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