Il più grande disastro d'Europa
La realtà è peggiore della fantasia |
Aver pensato e scritto che il naufragio della nave da crocera Concordia all'isola del Giglio fosse il simbolo dell'Italia e del suo sprofondare ingloriosamente nella crisi economica, civile, morale, è stato un errore.
Un errore senza appello, la nave da crocera era il luogo per eccellenza dello svago, del divertimento viaggiante e itinerante, ben altro di questa Italia, ben altro di questi italiani.
La vera metafora dell'Italia di questi tempi è l'Ilva di Taranto, il vero disastro sanitario, ambientale, industriale, politico, morale. Nella storia di 50 anni di politiche industriali, da disastro ambientale che ha portato una intera popolazione a non avere scelta se non che morire di cancro, connivenze del sistema. Tutto il sistema industriale italiano ha vissuto profondi problemi e contraddizioni gestite come la malavita gestisce i rifiuti industriali, da gringos.
L'illusione che l'Italia sia una nave dei divertimenti naufragata dal comandante per deficiente valutazione del rischio è finita subito o quasi nelle polveri, nella diossina, in altre sostanze di scarto industriale che portano cancro e morte. Acque inquinate scaricate direttamente in mare, un mare nero dai fondali morti, bambini malformati dalla nascita. La politica e gli enti per il controllo ambientale sono i complici all'esterno delle industrie che lavorano ed inquinano in modo mortale l'ambiente e la vita delle persone.
La situazione di questo paese è grave molto più grave di quello che riusciamo a vedere, di quello che vogliamo vedere, di quanto ci raccontano. Una classe politica e imprenditoriale non all'altezza è al timone, da tanto tempo, le conseguenze sono gravi. Meglio non farsi illusioni.
The reality is worse than the fantasy (by Google translate)
Have thought and written that the sinking of the cruise ship Concordia island of Giglio was the symbol of Italy and its sinking ingloriously in the economic crisis, civil, moral, was a mistake.
An error or appeal, the cruise ship was the place par excellence of leisure, entertainment and traveling traveling much more of this Italy, much more of these Italians.
The real metaphor of Italy these days is Ilva Taranto, the real health disaster, environmental, industrial, political and moral. In the history of 50 years of industrial policies, from environmental disaster that led an entire population to have no choice but to die of cancer, connivance of the system. All the Italian industrial system has undergone profound problems and contradictions run like the mob manages industrial waste by gringos.
The illusion that Italy is a ship sunk by the master for the entertainment deficient risk assessment is almost finished now or in powder, in Dioxin, in other industrial waste products that carry cancer and death. Polluted water discharged into the sea, a sea of black from the bottom dead, deformed children from birth. Politics and institutions for environmental control are the accomplices outside the industry who work so deadly and polluting the environment and people's lives.
The situation there is very serious more serious than what we see, what we want to see, what they tell us. A political class and business is not up to the helm, a long time, the consequences are serious. Better not have any illusions.
Have thought and written that the sinking of the cruise ship Concordia island of Giglio was the symbol of Italy and its sinking ingloriously in the economic crisis, civil, moral, was a mistake.
An error or appeal, the cruise ship was the place par excellence of leisure, entertainment and traveling traveling much more of this Italy, much more of these Italians.
The real metaphor of Italy these days is Ilva Taranto, the real health disaster, environmental, industrial, political and moral. In the history of 50 years of industrial policies, from environmental disaster that led an entire population to have no choice but to die of cancer, connivance of the system. All the Italian industrial system has undergone profound problems and contradictions run like the mob manages industrial waste by gringos.
The illusion that Italy is a ship sunk by the master for the entertainment deficient risk assessment is almost finished now or in powder, in Dioxin, in other industrial waste products that carry cancer and death. Polluted water discharged into the sea, a sea of black from the bottom dead, deformed children from birth. Politics and institutions for environmental control are the accomplices outside the industry who work so deadly and polluting the environment and people's lives.
The situation there is very serious more serious than what we see, what we want to see, what they tell us. A political class and business is not up to the helm, a long time, the consequences are serious. Better not have any illusions.
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