Militari italiani in India
Spietato e impietoso colpo di coda del governo Monti voluto e nominato da Napolitano, la solita pessima figura degli italiani agli occhi del mondo intero per la vicenda dei marò nei mari indiani. Un braccio di ferro con le autorità indiane che ha visto vincente l'India, pessima figura dell'Italia.
L'ex ministro degli esteri Terzi non ci stà a prendersi tutti i meriti della vicenda e fa notare che le decisioni sono "state prese congiuntamente", come dire la brutta figura è di tutti. Protagonisti, il suo dicastero, l'esecutivo nel governo di Mario Monti, il capo dello stato, tutti unitamente scivolati sulla buccia di banana indiana e giù l'ennesima brutta figura di cui solo noi siamo capaci.
Torna alla mente ma con diversa conclusione anche se fu un episodio completamente differente, torna in mente la strage del Cermis che causò la morte di 20 persone ad opera di un aereo statunitense nei cieli italiani. I militari americani nel fare una "bravata" con un aereo di caccia uccisero 20 persone in suolo italiano furono richiamati in America e non subirono alcun processo in Italia. Tutt'altro per i marò italiani che presidiavano una petroliera e che dovevano difenderla, contrariamente agli Americani i nostri marò sono stati accompagnati in India. Come italiano mi vergogno di questi governanti e della pessima, meschina figura che hanno generato nella improvvisazione da principianti inesperti che affrontano il caso
con totale presupponenza.
Per ora a rimetterci sono solo i due militari sballottati tra le dispettose diplomazie e i commerci, gli affari degli elicotteri della Finmeccanica e lo scambio commerciale con l'India. Denaro in cambio di una spaventosa brutta figura. Grazie a tutti i nostri massimi rappresentanti, professori bocconiani e non. Grazie
Inglese (by Google translate)
Ruthless and merciless backlash Monti wanted the government and appointed by Napolitano, the usual bad in the eyes of Italians around the world to the story of the sailor in the Indian seas. A tug of war with the Indian authorities who saw winning India, Italy bad shape.
Former Foreign Minister Terzi is not prepared to take all the merits of the case and noted that the decisions are "taken together", as saying the figure is bad for everyone. Protagonists, his ministry, the executive government of Mario Monti, the head of state, together with all slipped on a banana peel Indian and down yet another bad impression of which only we are capable of.
Comes to mind, but with a different conclusion even if it was a completely different episode, reminded of the massacre of Cermis which caused the death of 20 people by a U.S. plane in the Italian skies. The U.S. military in making a "stunt" with a fighter plane killed 20 people on Italian soil were recalled in America and did not undergo any process in Italy. Anything for the Italian sailor manning an oil tanker and had to defend it, contrary to our American Fascists were accompanied in India. As an Italian, I am ashamed of these rulers and the poor, pitiful figure generated in improvisation from inexperienced beginners who face the case
with total presupponenza.
For now the losers are only two soldiers tossed between spiteful diplomacy and trade, the business of the helicopters of Finmeccanica and trade with India. Money in exchange for a frightening look bad. Thanks to all of our best representatives, professors and preppy. thanks
Per ora a rimetterci sono solo i due militari sballottati tra le dispettose diplomazie e i commerci, gli affari degli elicotteri della Finmeccanica e lo scambio commerciale con l'India. Denaro in cambio di una spaventosa brutta figura. Grazie a tutti i nostri massimi rappresentanti, professori bocconiani e non. Grazie
Inglese (by Google translate)
Ruthless and merciless backlash Monti wanted the government and appointed by Napolitano, the usual bad in the eyes of Italians around the world to the story of the sailor in the Indian seas. A tug of war with the Indian authorities who saw winning India, Italy bad shape.
Former Foreign Minister Terzi is not prepared to take all the merits of the case and noted that the decisions are "taken together", as saying the figure is bad for everyone. Protagonists, his ministry, the executive government of Mario Monti, the head of state, together with all slipped on a banana peel Indian and down yet another bad impression of which only we are capable of.
Comes to mind, but with a different conclusion even if it was a completely different episode, reminded of the massacre of Cermis which caused the death of 20 people by a U.S. plane in the Italian skies. The U.S. military in making a "stunt" with a fighter plane killed 20 people on Italian soil were recalled in America and did not undergo any process in Italy. Anything for the Italian sailor manning an oil tanker and had to defend it, contrary to our American Fascists were accompanied in India. As an Italian, I am ashamed of these rulers and the poor, pitiful figure generated in improvisation from inexperienced beginners who face the case
with total presupponenza.
For now the losers are only two soldiers tossed between spiteful diplomacy and trade, the business of the helicopters of Finmeccanica and trade with India. Money in exchange for a frightening look bad. Thanks to all of our best representatives, professors and preppy. thanks
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