U.S. Ambassador in Italy has clear ideas
David Thorne e meritocrazia
L’ambasciatore Usa a Roma David Thorne in visita al Liceo Visconti di Roma, parlando
agli studenti, ha detto:
"Voi giovani siete il futuro dell’Italia. Voi potete prendere in
mano il vostro Paese e agire, come il MoVimento 5 Stelle, per le riforme
e il cambiamento”.
Continua l'Ambasciatore ”Tocca a voi ora agire
per vostro Paese, un Paese importantissimo nel mondo. So che ci sono
problemi e sfide in questo momento, problemi con la meritocrazia, ma voi
potete prendere in mano il vostro Paese e agire, come il Movimento 5
Stelle, per le riforme e il cambiamento. Spero che molti di voi daranno
un contributo positivo in questo senso per il vostro Paese”.
INGLESE (by Google translate)
The U.S. Ambassador David Thorne to Rome to visit the Liceo Visconti di Roma, talking to students, said:
"You young people are the future of Italy. You can pick up your country and act as the Movement 5 Stars, for reform and change".
Continue Ambassador "It's up to you now act on your country, an important country in the world. I know there are problems and challenges at this time, problems with meritocracy, but you can pick up your country and act as the Movement 5 Stars, for reform and change. I hope many of you will make a positive contribution in this regard for your country".
Continue Ambassador "It's up to you now act on your country, an important country in the world. I know there are problems and challenges at this time, problems with meritocracy, but you can pick up your country and act as the Movement 5 Stars, for reform and change. I hope many of you will make a positive contribution in this regard for your country".
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